Icon Sustainability is possible everywhere: renovating the lab in Italy

Sustainability is possible everywhere: renovating the lab in Italy

Taking care of the environment is in our genes. We find solutions to limit our impact and make our company and our actions sustainable. Discover through this interview with our employee Marcel, how we are building a brighter future by limiting our environmental footprint…

Marcel’s role at Denkavit

Marcel is responsible for the laboratory equipment at Denkavit. His goal is to set up equipment and machines and to develop methods to improve the analysis systems of the products in the laboratories. A new laboratory is being built since the beginning of 2022 in our company Frabes in Rovato (Italy) which is part of the Denkavit group. “Activities in the lab will start in August and it should be ready in November”. Frabes is also a milk powder production site for piglets and calves. “The aim is to bring to the new lab in Italy the necessary methods, equipment and laboratory processes that already exist in the Denkavit lab in Voorthuizen. We will be able to do the same analysis as here in Voorthuizen, and have the same high standard in all our facilities over the world. It is a very important part of our job”. 

 Sustainable laboratory building

The target was to build this laboratory sustainably, in line with Denkavit’s CSR. “Our first action was to reduce drinking water consumption considerably”. The lab is equipped with recirculating coolers for the cooling of analytical equipment. “In Italy the drought is severe and water is scarce. The recirculating cooler allows the water to be used in a closed circuit. The water saving is considerable. 8L of water is permanently circulated and recycled with the recirculating cooler, saving more than 10.000L of water per week in the laboratory in Italy”. 

Sustainability into practise

They also choose to use low-energy LEDs in white colour. “The aim is to use the most natural coloured lights to have a good analysis for the powder”. Each light now uses 27.5W instead of 72W compared to the old devices! “In addition, these lights have a much longer life of over 60 000 hours compared to the old ones which had a life of only 8 to 10 000 hours”. 

Own production

In addition, the gases required for the operation of the laboratory in Italy are produced in our factory. The ambient air is used to generate compressed air and nitrogen. “Compressed air and nitrogen no longer have to be purchased in cylinders from other companies, thus eliminating transport”. 

Use fewer chemicals

The lab also plans to reduce the use of chemicals. “It is necessary to make an inventory of what is currently used in the lab and what the alternatives are. We know that less polluting and less harmful alternative products exist and we want to find the most suitable ones to do the same analysis. This work will be initiated this year”. 

A sincere commitment to reducing our environmental impact

All these actions result in considerable savings on electricity, water, gas and fuel resources. “This is not only in line with Denkavit’s CSR, it is also our sincere commitment to reducing our environmental impact. Beyond the cost savings with these systems, it is obvious to choose the most sustainable and least impactful solutions for the environment”. 

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