Icon Regenerative Agriculture – Timelapse

Regenerative Agriculture – Timelapse

In 2023, we at Denkavit started the process of regenerative agriculture in the Netherlands. Now that the first year is behind us, we have made a nice timelapse of the year and asked Arnold Groot Wassink how we will continue in 2024.


The learning moments of 2023 have given us a good idea of ​​what we should continue with and what we want to learn more from:

  • We will grow fewer different crops. We want to focus on 8 different crops that we want to make successful: winter wheat, winter barley, winter rye, oats, field beans, lupine, corn and buckwheat.
  • We are going to make the strips wider. All crops are grown in strips of 24 meters wide, so that we can test different forms of fertilization within a strip.
  • Figuring out how we can better manage periods of drought:
    • Quickly increase organic matter in the soil by applying compost.
    • Alternatives to irrigation such as level-controlled drainage or drip hoses.
  • Combat problem weeds such as knight’s sorrel and black nightshade, mechanically if possible.
  • (even) Better management of the needs of the plant and specific micro nutrients.

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