Solar panel reduce footrpint
Icon Reduce footprint

Reduce our climate footprint

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of this decade. We are reducing the footprint of Denkavit and want to take responsibility for every reduction possible within our impact area. We see an ambitious plan to reduce greenhouse gasses as a necessity for the continuation and development of Denkavit.  

Get insight in our overall footprint

We will start with mapping the climate (carbon) footprint of Denkavit. The methodology and experience that we will gain, will be used to gain more insight in our overall ecological footprint (such as use of water and land).

This sustainability pillar contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals:


Solar panels

Reduce climate footprint


Reduce footprint

Regenerative Agriculture – Timelapse

Reduce footprint

Barge transport of export containers

Denkavit Voorthuizen site
Reduce footprint

Initiatives to achieve 10% energy savings

Reduce footprint

Sustainability is possible everywhere: renovating the lab in Italy

Reduce footprint

Restore biodiversity

Solar panel reduce footrpint
Reduce footprint

Solar panels for a bright future

Reduce footprint

KPI: gross direct and indirect greenhouse gasses (GHG) emissions in metric tons of CO2 equivalent

Result 2023
Mapping all emissions
Goal 2023
Map scope 1 and 2 emissions of Denkavit and the emissions from the veal farms in the integration of Denkavit (part of scope 3) and set a target for reduction 2023


Foster young animals

Source responsibly

Enable people